Friday 28 December 2012

Family Christmas No. 5

Our fifth and final Christmas gathering (boo!) was on Boxing Day. We travelled back up to Ipswich in the morning to have lunch with Granny Jan, Grandad, Auntie Holly, honorary Uncle Jonathan and second cousin Hannah. This was our first turkey meal of the festive season, and the first time I’ve had turkey for 13 years! For those of you I’ve not spoken to recently, I’m no longer a vegetarian. Mark likes to take the credit for turning me into a carnivore, but it’s mainly because I was anaemic during my pregnancy and needed to eat more than just vegetables for the sake of Amelia’s well being! Strangely, as soon as I had Amelia, my anaemia was cured. Anyway, I loved the turkey and can’t believe I’ve lived without it for so long!

Amelia wore her first 3-6 month outfit, which was a little big, but I know it won’t be long before she fills it. She also fits into the cardigan that Great Grandma June knitted her:

Great Grandma June knitted a matching bonnet too, but Amelia’s head is still a little small for it!

After some dancing and singing with Auntie Holly, Amelia soon wanted to play with her special toy again:

In the evening we were joined by Great Uncle Jonathan, who lives in the Bahamas. Amelia had already gone to bed, but luckily Great Uncle Jonathan got to meet her when she woke up with a burp!

The festivities are still continuing in Ipswich, so I'm sure there will be lots more news and photos before the year's up.

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