Tuesday 11 December 2012

Recent happenings

Amelia's asleep in her crib at the moment - not on me. Hooray! I'm grateful that the sun's been shining all week in Farnborough. It's still very cold though!

Our walks have been getting shorter each day, but thankfully Granny Jan's found another way to get Amelia to sleep: bobbing her up and down to Rita Ora's How We Do. Phew!

While the two of us have been staying with my parents this weekend, we've also discovered that Amelia likes AC/DC. Grandad showed her a clip of one of their live performances and she was entranced! We've introduced her to Midsomer Murders too, of course:

There's a prize for anyone who can name this episode.

Granny Jan, Auntie Holly and I took Amelia to church for the first time on Sunday. It was nice to go back to our family's church and see some old faces. Amelia managed to sleep through the whole service!

On Monday night, something very strange happened. I was watching the television with Mum and Dad, itching the scab on my knee, when I noticed what looked like a loop of wire under my skin. Naturally, I pulled at it, and it turned out to be a five inch stitch left in from the operation I had nearly 18 months ago! Gross. Here's a photo for novelty value:

And some more of Amelia, as she's much more interesting than my knee:

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