Monday 24 December 2012

Family Christmas No. 3

Our third Christmas gathering was with the Rudge family in Ipswich on Sunday 23 December. I still can't believe Granny Jan, Grandad and Auntie Holly cooked for 20 people! Poor Grandad spent hours the night before peeling and cutting up over 30 potatoes. Here'a a photo of Amelia in her reindeer outfit before she was sick all over it and we had to put it in the wash:

Luckily, we had a very smart Ralph Lauren babygro to hand (thank you Cherie!):

We all spent the day eating - including Amelia - and beached out on the sofa in the evening:

It was a hectic and tiring day though:

A Rudge family Christmas tradition is the compulsory distribution of 'Shelf Factory Presents'. These are joke presents that are passed from family member to family member every year, most of which originated in my Grandad's dodgy shed. My favourite ones this year included:

a Willy Warmer
a Bum Care Kit
a lazy person easy weight loss solution - a knife and fork that doubled up as weights (guess who received this!)
a Glamper toilet
an oxometer (or a broken spirit level), which measures the amount of bull**** in the air

Amelia's still struggling to sleep anywhere other than on me during the day, so spends a lot of the time crying because she's tired, but she was very well behaved and happy today. She likes being fussed over I think!

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