Friday 28 December 2012

Family Christmas No. 4

Our fourth Christmas gathering was on Christmas Day. We spent the day at Auntie Becca’s new flat in Southampton. She and honorary Uncle RJ cooked a lovely roast and made lots of delicious sweet things. Here’s Auntie Becca’s amazing gingerbread house:

I felt a bit bad eating it! RJ also made some mince pies, which I don’t normally like, but his ones were really tasty.

Amelia was pleased to see Seaside Grandma too, who she hasn’t seen since she was two weeks old:

Amelia still fights sleep during the day, and so by the afternoon is usually quite grouchy. She’s sometimes happy to sleep in my dressing gown on the sofa though, which means that some days I get 15 minutes to do some housework. Hooray! Here are some photos of her all wrapped up:

and Mark trying to get her to sleep:

Amelia still doesn’t realise that her hands are hers and she’ll only grab your hand if you hold it out to her, but today she held a toy for the first time! Unfortunately, it happened to be a very phallic toy, and she wouldn’t let go:

We’ve said we’ll keep those photos to embarrass her with at her 16th birthday party!

With her new found clasp technique, Amelia also tried to open her own presents:

We had a lovely day and were all very spoiled with food and presents.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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