Tuesday 4 December 2012


Welcome to the Careys’ blog! I’m new to blogging, so please excuse any dodgy formatting or upside down photos. I thought I’d start keeping a blog for three reasons: 1. Amelia is growing up so fast and I’d like to remember as much of these special times as possible, 2. Most of our family and friends live over an hour away, so this'll be a good way for everyone to hear and see Amelia’s news, and 3. Amelia’s going through a phase of not napping anywhere other than on me, so this is something I can be doing while I’m restricted to the sofa!

Amelia's very hard work, but obviously worth it.  She’s a cute baby:

She started smiling in her third week, but we all put it down to wind at first. Sorry Amelia!

We’ve had lots of visitors and Amelia’s been very spoilt.  She’s met nearly all our family now and most of our friends.  She even has one baby friend of her own:

It was sad when Mark went back to work after a lovely two weeks together, but Amelia and I find lots of fun things to do while we wait for Daddy to come home.  We go for walks most days, listen to different music and talk lots.  Obviously I do most of the chatting though!

In other news, the bungalow renovations are going well.  Our move was timed pretty poorly and we ended up moving into our new home a few days before Amelia was born.  To make it worse, every single room needed de-tarring and decorating due to the previous owner being a heavy smoker, the boiler needed replacing and the whole bungalow had to be rewired.  Thanks to our parents and siblings though, the nursery, living room, kitchen, conservatory and garden are now looking good.

I have to go now as Amelia’s starting to stir, but next time I’ll upload some before and after photos of the bungalow!

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