Thursday 13 December 2012

New rings!

Well, not exactly... My hands and feet swelled up so much during pregnancy, that I had to go ringless for the last three months. I still can't get my engagement ring on, but I managed to squeeze my wedding ring on a few weeks back. However, one night when we were staying in Ipswich, I woke up with an itchy hand, and when I turned the light on, my ring finger had doubled in size! I put ice on it for a while, but my ring just wouldn't budge, so I ended up having to go to the hospital at 6am to have it cut off. It was all very exciting! So, while I wait for my hands to return to their normal size, I've got some temporary plastic and very tacky rings...

Amelia is still adorable:


  1. Oh no, I hope it wasn't worth too much! Since pregnancy number two I am now allergic to my (white gold) wedding ring... no idea what it is mixed with but I have been only officially engaged for the last year!! Crazy pregnancy stuff...

    1. That's what happened to me, too! I suddenly became allergic to my ring. Apparently I can get it put back together at any jewellers. I'll have to get it made bigger!
