Thursday 3 January 2013

More Christmas Festivities

By popular request, this blog entry will consist mostly of photos!

Amelia made a second baby friend, William, last week:

William's mum and I have been friends since we were 11 - along with a few other girls - when we joined the same choir. We kept singing together until we turned 18 (when we were too old for children's choirs) and still get together for the occasional singsong - most recently at each other's weddings!

Here are a selection of Amelia's Christmas presents:

Auntie Becca made the green stocking!

It's now cold enough for boots and snow suits:

and my favourite hat ever:

Amelia's started to babble, which is so cute! I made a video of one of her chatty episodes last week, but the sound's not very good:

Something else she enjoys is being 'supermanned' across the room:

It gets pretty tiring after a while though!

Happy New Year everyone!

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