Thursday 3 January 2013

Phases one to three of the bungalow renovation

Phase one

The living room:

 The kitchen:

 The bedrooms:

The garden:

The hallway:

You can tell a heavy smoker lived here before us!

We had to live out of boxes in the conservatory for a while:

Phase two

The living room:

 Bedroom no. 2, Amelia's room:

Bathroom no. 1:

Phase three

The living room, which is now finished:

We just need to buy some red curtains and cushions and two single chairs to replace the green and white garden ones!

The kitchen:

The unpacked conservatory!

Amelia's room is nearly finished too. I'm in the middle of replacing her 0-3 month clothes with her 3-6 month clothes, so it's a little messy at the moment, but I'll try to tidy her room and take some photos of it before the weekend!


  1. Wow, I had no idea you are renovating a house, wowee and with a baby! Looks fun!

    1. It's been busy let's say! Hope you're well Abs. xxx
