Sunday 6 January 2013

I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night...

Something exciting happened tonight: Amelia went straight to sleep as soon as I put her to bed. She didn’t even wimper! It also means that Mark and I have a WHOLE evening together. Hooray!

In other news, Amelia has become obsessed with the television:

It’s one way to calm her down when she gets in a pickle at least, but I don’t want her to get square eyes! During the day, when we’re not listening to music, I like to keep the television on as background noise, as I’m hoping it’ll encourage her to sleep more deeply. I may need to re-think this now though!

She also enjoys being in the ‘throne position’. She loves being carried around anyway, but especially likes being carried like this, so that she can look around:

When Mark took Amelia for her second set of injections this week, the nurse found it very funny that this position stopped her crying afterwards!

What a princess.

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