Friday 15 February 2013

February resolutions

I’m very bad at keeping my New Year’s resolutions, so I’ve decided that this year I’ll post them on my blog and then I’ll feel especially rubbish if I don’t stick to them, as everyone will know that I’ve failed.  I know it’s now February, but I’ve been giving them a lot of thought and wanted to only make resolutions that were actually realistic!

1. Read a book every week day
2. Go swimming at least once every two months
3. Go on a walk every week
4. Have a day out with Daddy at least once every two months
5. Go to the zoo
6. Sing more nursery rhymes
7. Listen to more music
8. Join at least one more baby group. At the moment, we go to one on Thursday mornings and do baby massage classes on Wednesday afternoons

1. Go on a date at least once every two months (once I’ve stopped feeding Amelia!)
2. Spend one of Amelia’s nap times resting instead of trying to cram housework/cooking/cleaning/crafting in, so that I’ve got more energy to have a conversation or play a game with Mark when he gets home
3. Mark wanted me to add that he is going to get into shape. I'd also like to say that he'll finish the bed this year, but I think that's a little optimistic!

1. Lose two stone
2. Make more of an effort with my hair and clothes. I’ve really let myself go recently!

Around the house
1. Sort out all the wardrobes and cupboards, as we seem to have accumulated a lot of paraphernalia over the years
2. Keep on top of the ironing
3. Clear out the conservatory (which is currently a complete mess)
4. Clean properly. At the moment I clean around everything!
5. Cook at least one new recipe every fortnight, as I’ve become very unadventurous recently

1. Make at least one item using a sewing machine
2. Go clubbing! I used to hate clubbing, but ever since Amelia was born I’ve had an irrepressible urge to go dancing. Would anyone like to come with me?
3. Take more photos
4. Display more photos
5. Go to church more often. I'm ashamed to say I've become quite lazy recently
6. Meet up with friends more often
7. Keep a prayer book
8. Do something for charity

I'll post how I'm getting on halfway through the year!

In other news, Amelia is growing FAST. I can't believe how big she is now! Here's a photo of her in hospital:

and at two weeks old:

and this week:

I can't believe it!

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