Monday 4 February 2013

Beauty and my Beast

It turns out that playing ‘Tale as Old as Time’ from Beauty and the Beast helps Amelia get to sleep at night. We have to have it on repeat for about an hour at full volume – which has already started to get annoying – but she eventually drifts off with minimal fuss. Hooray! This is GREAT news, since it’s been taking Mark and I a couple of hours to get her to sleep some nights, and this way she doesn’t get too worked up either. I’m not sure if it’s Celine Dion or the song that comforts Amelia, but I don’t want to try anything else out while it works! It’s funny I happened to pick this song too, since Mark calls her his ‘mini beast’ because of her muffin top and thunder thighs (sorry Amelia).

With Amelia only ever sleeping for 30 minutes at a time, I’ve come to accept that the bungalow will always be a mess. All I can say is it'd be A LOT worse without a dishwasher. I’m pretty good at keeping on top of the washing, but the ironing hardly ever gets done! This is my current ironing pile:

I made a start on it today while watching This Morning (what has my life become?!), but only managed to iron three shirts before Amelia woke up. Poor Mark will be going to work in creased shirts soon if I don’t get a move on…

Here’s a photo of Amelia and Daddy:

and one of the three of us:

She's so cute:

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