Tuesday 30 July 2013

The time has come...

...for me to return to work - much to my utter dismay. I can’t believe it. Whilst I’m looking forward joining in with the staff room banter and seeing the lovely Music Department (and, to an extent, the children) again, I can’t bear to think about leaving Amelia. Thankfully we’ve found a wonderful child minder close to the school I teach at and I know Amelia will grow to love her and have lots of fun with the other children she looks after, but I wish I could just take Amelia to work with me. I think I’ll be counting down the days until the school holidays. As I’m feeling so down about it – and I know I’ll be feeling guilty every day I'm at work – I’ve made a list of good reasons to return to work to try to cheer me up. It’s almost working. If anyone has anymore they can add to my list, let me know!

1. It’ll be nice to see all the staff again
2. I’ll have a WHOLE HOUR to myself for lunch, plus
3. Lunch will be delicious and not just Amelia’s sandwich and fruit remains
4. I’ll have something to talk/think about other than toys, naps, baby food, nappies, etc.
5. I’ll be able to drink a cup of tea while it’s still hot
6. I can listen to something other than nursery rhymes
7. I can talk in a normal voice
8. I’ll be teased by Wilks again and will, in turn, be able to get my own back
9. It’ll be nice to have a sit down
10. I’ll have a role other than mother and housewife
11. I'll be earning again!

Here are a few photos of my nearly-10-month-old:

I love this one of Amelia and Lil!

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