Saturday 6 July 2013

A February Resolutions update

As we’re now halfway through the year, I thought I’d review my February Resolutions to see where I need to improve!

1. Read a book every week day. We’ve just about done this so far.
2. Go swimming at least once every two months. We’ve been swimming three times since February, but two of those times were on holiday and on consecutive days, so I’m not sure that counts!
3. Go on a walk every week. This has mostly happened.
4. Have a day out with Daddy at least once every two months. There aren’t enough weekends in a month! We’ve had a few family days out though.
5. Go to the zoo. We’re going at the end of July!
6. Sing more nursery rhymes. Is one a day good enough?
7. Listen to more music. We only listen to cheesy pop and classical at the moment. I’m going to see how Amelia likes grime next month.
8. Join at least one more baby group. At the moment, we go to one on Thursday mornings and do baby massage classes on Wednesday afternoons. We’ve done well with this one! We now go to a Stay and Play on Monday mornings, Jolly Babies (a music group) on Wednesday mornings and Caterpillar Music on Thursday afternoons.

1. Go on a date at least once every two months (once I’ve stopped feeding Amelia!). I’ve not stopped feeding Amelia yet!
2. Spend one of Amelia’s nap times resting instead of trying to cram housework/cooking/cleaning/crafting in, so that I’ve got more energy to have a conversation or play a game with Mark when he gets home. I’ve failed at this so far!
3. Mark wanted me to add that he is going to get into shape. I'd also like to say that he'll finish the bed this year, but I think that's a little optimistic! Mark’s doing really well with his diet. He’s lost over a stone in about a month.

1. Lose two stone. I still have quite a way to go!
2. Make more of an effort with my hair and clothes. I’ve really let myself go recently! I think I’ve actually done pretty well with this. I try to paint my nails regularly and do something interesting with my hair at least once a week. I’ve been saving up clothes vouchers for when I drop a dress size too, so watch this space!

Around the house
1. Sort out all the wardrobes and cupboards, as we seem to have accumulated a lot of paraphernalia over the years. I’ve done this!
2. Keep on top of the ironing. I was doing so well, but then we went on holiday for a week and Mark found a suitcase full of creased clothes we’d forgotten to unpack during the move.
3. Clear out the conservatory (which is currently a complete mess). We cleared this out last month to make room for our new sofa and new dining table, but it’s now in a bit of a mess again.
4. Clean properly. At the moment I clean around everything! I’m getting better at cleaning, but there’s still room for improvement.
5. Cook at least one new recipe every fortnight, as I’ve become very unadventurous recently. Some weeks I do really well, but others I’m a bit lazy.

1. Make at least one item using a sewing machine. I’ve selected a dining table cloth pattern, and will buy some material over the summer.
2. Go clubbing! I used to hate clubbing, but ever since Amelia was born I’ve had an irrepressible urge to go dancing. Would anyone like to come with me? I’ve gone off this idea. I will go though, as it’s too easy a resolution to fail on!
3. Take more photos. Yes!
4. Display more photos. Yes!
5. Go to church more often. I'm ashamed to say I've become quite lazy recently. I’ve been a bit rubbish at this.
6. Meet up with friends more often. I could do better.
7. Keep a prayer book. I’ve not even started one yet!
8. Do something for charity. I’m organising a concert to raise money for Cancer Research UK and the National AIDS Trust for December, January or February. I’ll let you know!

1 comment:

  1. This is brilliant!! What is a prayer book? Sounds good!
