Monday 22 September 2014

A Memorable Summer and a '99 Things to do in 99 Days' update

We’ve had a fun-filled summer of days out, holidays and quiet days together. One of our favourite family days out was to Marwell Zoo:

Amelia loved riding on the train and her favourite animals were the plastic dinosaurs!

I’ve enjoyed having Amelia to myself during the week. We visited the park most days, had lots of picnics and went swimming at least once a week. I must book Amelia in for swimming lessons this year, as she loves the water.

Amelia and I also visited both my family and Grandma Seaside for a few days:

When my sister and I were at school we used to go on holiday every year to the same place in Spain with some family friends, and this year, we all decided to go back. It was so good to re-visit our favourite beaches and places to eat out, and we even booked a villa we’d stayed in before. The area had hardly changed at all and it was nice to reminisce. My dad took the most photos, but here are some of mine:

In other news, we only have four weeks until our second baby is due. We can’t wait for the baby to arrive, but aren’t looking forward to the going to hospital part!

I know I’ve not blogged about it yet, but I have been keeping up with my 99 Things to do in 999 Days list.  Here’s what’s completed and what’s in progress:

In progress

1. Have family photos taken
2. Go on a picnic
3. Take Amelia abroad.  We went to Spain with family and friends in July.
4. Go on a bike ride
5. Have a day out in London
6. Compile a family photo album
7. Go to Edinburgh for a long weekend
8. Visit two counties we’ve never been to
9. Go fruit picking and make a crumble
10. Don’t watch the television for a week
11. Start some family traditions of our own                          

12. Don’t complain for a week
13. Read all the unread novels I have at home
14. Read Nelson Mandela’s autobiography
15. Watch one film recommended by each parent
16. Watch The Killing
17. Watch Homeland
18. Read all the Harry Potter books
19. Watch all the Harry Potter films
20. Keep a dream journal for a month. This was SO interesting to do. Thank you to my friend Amanda for buying me a proper dream journal for my birthday this year, which had space for me to draw my dreams and questions to help me analyse them!

Health and Fitness
21. Give up chocolate for a month
22. Take a Zumba class
23. Swim regularly
24. Get a new glasses prescription
25. Get down to a healthy weight

26. Read the Bible
27. Keep a prayer book
28. Go to a home group regularly. I got to one most Wednesdays now.
29. Keep a diary of all the things I’m thankful for on a daily basis for a month

30. Go to a music festival
31. Make a portfolio
32. Make a website
33. Do another Grade VIII

Arts and Crafts
34. Make a table cloth using my sewing machine
35. Make lip balm
36. Learn how to sew buttons onto clothes
37. Learn how to hem
38. Learn how to sew on zips
39. Do a watercolour painting. I've sketched some flowers, but now I just need to paint them!
40. Make something for Amelia
41. Make a ceramic
42. Upcycle an item of furniture
43. Make a quilt
44. Create a photo wall
45. Make a canvas picture with buttons

46. Make jam
47. Make cinnamon rolls
48. Make ice cream. Mark and I made vanilla ice cream and it was delicious.
49. Try five new foods
50. Perfect three different pasta dishes using our pasta machine
51. Make three different smoothies using our smoothie maker
52. Try a steak
53. Make and decorate a cake
54. Marinate a piece of meat
55. Make 30 new recipes and add them to my recipe book
56. Make five new desserts
57. Make a gingerbread house
58. Make cordial

59. Finish decorating. We only have our hallway floor left to replace!
60. Re-do our kitchen
61. Re-do our bathroom
62. Sort out our garage
63. Maintain our garden in the warm months
64. Keep a vegetable patch
65. Put pictures up in Amelia’s room

66. Put bunting up in Amelia’s room

67. Put a name plate on Amelia’s door

New Skills
68. Take a course
69. Learn how to change a tyre
70. Understand the offside rule
71. Learn a hip hop dance
72. Learn sign language
73. Learn Spanish

Helping Others
74. Do two things for charity
75. Send a care package to someone
76. Send Christmas or Thank You cards to soldiers overseas
77. Volunteer for a charity
78. Give someone a gift for no reason
79. Write and send 50 letters
80. Give blood

81. Get my car cleaned properly
82. Be able to name all the countries
83. Be able to name all the states in America and their capitals
84. Get my wedding ring fixed
85. Sell something on eBay
86. Sign up to and send 10 postcards. I've sent four postcards and received two so far.
87. Throw a Murder Mystery party. We hosted one on Friday!
88. Make another '99 Things to do in 999 Days' list

Extra things
89. Make gingerbread from scratch
90. Make up at least two Operation Christmas Child packages this year and next year
91. Build up my homemade card stock and sell some at a craft fayre
92. Make ice lollies
93. Make a hair donation to Locks of Love
94. Spend more than £10 on a pair of shoes
95. Have another baby and stay sane!
96. Have a meal out with Mark somewhere posh
97. Make a will
98. Complete a 1000+ piece jigsaw puzzle
99. Donate £1 to Tearfund for any task I don’t complete

Any suggestions for my next '99 Things to do in 999 Days' list are welcomed!