Friday 20 June 2014

Short, but sweet, Fun Fact Friday

1. Amelia has started yelling 'Mark' when she wants his attention. Normally she calls him Daddy, but if he's in another room, she loves calling out his name. We find it impossible not to laugh, so she'll probably still be calling him Mark when she starts school.

2. Everything is a hat at the moment. We've had nappy hats, water hats, clothes hats and – my favourite – food hats (notably fajitas or something similarly messy).

3. Amelia's word-of-the-moment is ‘stuck’. Everything is always stuck and she’s always stuck. I love it when I put her armbands on to go swimming and she says ‘I’m stuck’.

4. We've been enjoying lots of picnics in this beautiful weather. The only downside is the mess Amelia makes when she eats tomatoes. I need to remember to dress her in black on a picnic day.