Thursday 10 April 2014


1. I had a GREAT birthday this year. I had a joint pyjama and pudding party with my friends AGB and Bacon, Mark took me to see Billy Elliot in London and my parents and sister threw me a One Direction themed party. What more could you want from a 26th?

2. Amelia loves pretending. She feeds, dresses and reads to her dolls and teddies. It’s so cute.

3. Amelia’s getting pretty good at dancing. She takes it very seriously. I need to try to capture it on camera, but my favourite in-the-zone-dancing is when we’re in the car and a song with a loud drum beat comes on the radio. With no facial expression at all, Amelia sways from side to side, and then after a few seconds, acts like nothing’s happened.

4. Amelia loves the swing at my parents’ house. She now says ‘weeee’ when she wants to get on it.

5. Amelia also loves the pebbles in my parents’ garden. She’s definitely an outdoors girl.

6. We had an unexpected stay in hospital last week when Amelia’s temperature went mad. She’s almost back to normal now though, and we’re enjoying freedom and seeing people after being confined to one small room!