Friday 21 February 2014

Fun Fact Friday

I’ve been useless at blogging regularly, but hopefully these weekly Fun Fact Fridays will help keep me on track!

1. Oh my, why have I never made granola before? I’m addicted. I’ve been trying lots of new recipes this month and am well on my way to ticking off #55 on my 99 Things to do in 999 Days list, but I wish granola wasn’t one of them. I make one or two batches every week and can’t stop eating it – for breakfast, lunch or dinner!

2. I bought Amelia her first pair of shoes this week. She’s so close to walking, so I thought that taking her shoe shopping might give her the last push of encouragement she needs. I was wrong! She wasn’t happy at all about having her feet measured and refused to walk in any of the shoes we had her try on. I still bought her the cutest pair of pink and flowery shoes in the shop though, and she will be wearing them this week.

3. Amelia’s been very chatty recently. New words include: blueberries, good girl, please, baby, duck, dog, cat, that, hello, night night, Mark(!), Granny, Grandad and red. She’s even started trying to make sentences, like ‘bye bye Daddy’ and ‘blueberries please’. She’s certainly making up for her lack of movement in other areas!

4. I never thought I’d say this, but I’m really enjoying being back at work. My colleagues are great, the children are genuinely delightful and Amelia loves her childminder.

5. Amelia's very funny at bedtime. I think the photos say it all!