Thursday 21 November 2013

One Year On

I still can’t believe Amelia’s not a baby any more. She seems more and more grown up every day. She’s a pretty speedy crawler and stands up all the time – to play, to eat, in the bath, when we’re changing her, to sleep(!) – but I don’t think she’ll be walking any time soon as she’s still quite wobbly.

We’ve had lots of play dates recently. It’s nice seeing Amelia socialise. She’s obsessed with other babies’ mouths and noses at the moment, so a few of her friends have received some unexpected prods.

Granny Jan and Grandad had some cute photos taken of Amelia. We went to a wedding one Saturday and when we came back, there was a lovely canvas up in the hallway:

Here are my other favourites:

Amelia LOVES having baths. She’s always liked the water, but she gets excited every time she hears a tap running now. As soon as she sees me running the bath, she crawls over as fast as she can, stands up, peers over the side, and waits until it’s ready. It’s adorable:

She has a few words in her vocabulary too: Daddy, Mummy, no, quack, hiss and (very oddly) bubble. Her sleep has also improved loads. I can’t remember what I last blogged about her sleep, but she usually manages to go through the night now. She’s still an early riser, but Mark and I have to be up by 5:30am on workdays anyway, so sometimes she’s the last up!

Other loves include rice, peas, sweetcorn and blueberries:

this bean bag:

and Mr Bear:

As Mr Bear comes with us everywhere, he has to be washed pretty frequently and Amelia's never happy about it. Last week she fell off the bean bag trying to reach him while he was drying on the radiator.

Two peas in a pod: