Thursday 10 October 2013

Amelia's 1st Birthday

I can’t believe our baby’s one already! This year has been so special and we’ve loved watching Amelia’s personality develop over the last few months. She’s such an affectionate little girl and has an amazing giggle. Her favourite things are puppets, books, blueberries, vanity cases, the cupboards in the kitchen, nursery rhymes, and puzzles. We had a little party for Amelia on Sunday. She was spoiled with lots of presents, a Rainbow Rob cake and endless hugs and kisses:

I’m not sure knew what was happening, but she certainly had fun as she was in bed for the night by 5:45pm!

Amelia's likes copying me:

She even tries to put my glasses on and brushes her own hair!

In other news, we’ve now got a dining room table, a new washing machine and a new tumble dryer. We’re very excited about them all!