Saturday 31 August 2013

I only have 8% battery on my laptop, but I must update our blog while I remember!

Exciting things that have happened this summer:

  1. Holly, my little sister, got married,
  2. Amelia and I spent the week with Grandma Seaside,
  3. Grannie Jan spent a week with us in Farnborough,
  4. Amelia's started to crawl,
  5. Amelia's had two teeth come through,
  6. I've gone back to work, which was actually not as bad as I thought it'd be,
  7. We've seen lots of family and friends,
  8. We've finally settled into a nice church,
  9. My best friend, Harriet, got engaged, and 
  10. Mark's lost over two stone!
It's been all go. On the down side, I seem to have developed even more of a Baby Brain recently. If you have a baby, you'll know what I mean! I've been really scatty and keep making silly mistakes. I'm usually organised, so it's totally thrown me.

I'll upload as many photos as my battery allows!

A Dutch story:

Dressing up:



Bed time story and cuddles with Daddy:

Falling asleep whilst playing in the car:

A new very crazy smile:

New sandals:

As romantic as Mark ever gets:

Two peas in a pod:

Yeah, yeah, yeah... ? Southampton-ers, you'll know the drill:


Second cousin chums: