Friday 28 June 2013

Amelia's first holiday and our Food Challenge fail

Now, I know what everyone’s thinking: they just love their food too much to complete a food challenge. Yes, we do love our food, but that’s not why we failed! Mark, being a man, ‘forgot’ we were going to start our Food Challenge on the 10th and, that day, came home from work and announced that he was on a very strict diet. I didn’t believe him, since this isn’t the first time that one of us has said we’re on a diet, then minutes later is eating cake, but this time he was for real. He’s doing really well actually, and it’s kicked me into action too. Let’s face it, I can’t use the I’ve-just-had-a-baby excuse any more. Anyway, until we’ve reached our weight loss goals, we’re postponing our Food Challenge. I promise we’ll do it at some point!

Before we started our diets, I squeezed in some baking. I made chocolate cupcakes for the year 11s to celebrate surviving their GCSE Music exam:

dulche de leche brownies:

and Nutella-stuffed brown sugar cookies:

I was pleased that my own versions of dulche de leche brownies and Nutella cookies were edible!

Anyway, that’s enough about food. At the end of last month, we spent a day with Grandma Seaside, Great Grandma and Ray and Great Auntie Wendy, Great Uncle John and second cousin Jake. We also took Amelia on her first day trip. We visited a stately home and its gardens with the Samson family. It was a lovely day and surprisingly Amelia wasn't scared of the horses! Here are a few photos:

And very excitingly, we took Amelia on her first holiday last week! We spent a lovely few days in St. Austell, Cornwall with Granny Jan, Grandad and Great Grandpa. We stayed on a farm close to the coast. Here’s our holiday in photos:

On the way back, we visited Grandma Seaside in Swanage, where Amelia played the saucepans for the first time.

This month seems to have been a month of firsts actually. Amelia now rolls over, has a bath in the big bath and sometimes sleeps on her tummy:

And next week she’s been invited to her first hen party!

Amelia’s also eating really well now. I’d been a bit worried that she wasn’t eating enough, but since I’ve stopped puréeing her food and started giving her things that Mark and I would eat, she’s been shovelling it down! She has a whole Weetabix and a whole banana for breakfast, a cheese, egg or tuna sandwich and fruit for lunch and a whole cooked meal (her favourite at the moment is chicken, mashed potato, leeks and peas in a cheese sauce), more fruit and a yoghurt for dinner. I’m so proud of her!